Saturday, October 03, 2009

National Report Card

Where can I go to see where we stand and the trends on public issues?
The first objective should be to identify these measurements, where they are trending and how they compare to the statistics in other places of our world.

The second objective is to put some dollars to each item. What is the cost to move the needle, which objectives represent opportunities.

Health Care
  • Cost Index
  • % of America's covered
  • Life Expectancy
Food, Health and Safety

  • Obesity Levels
  • Exercise
  • Trans Fat consumption
  • Sugar consumption
  • Cholesterol

Energy Independence
  • $'s exported
  • Barrels Imported
  • Tons of CO2 generated
  • Wind, Solar, Hydro, Bio growth
Energy Efficiency / Environment
  • Fleet Mileage
  • Hydro Carbon output
  • Recycling 
  • High School graduation rate
  • College Graduation rate
  • PhD rate
  • Education costs
  • Key degrees
Quality of Life
  • Life Expectancy
  • Average work week
  • Entertainment hours
  • Vacation Day
  • Home ownership
  • Illness rate, LTD rate
  • Safety Accident rate, Accidental death rate
  • Crime Rate
  • Savings rate
  • Bankruptcy rate
  • Foreclosure rate
  • Employment level
  • Cost of Living
  • Suicide rates
  • Addiction rates, drug, alcohol
  • Age of bridges
  • Power Grid
  • Quality Water Supply
  • Sewage Spills
  • Age of Airline Fleet


Wish List for AppleTV

Colors... black, stainless duh
Blue Ray... this is obvious, it would put Apple into a whole new source of revenue
Upgrade the processor and memory... allowing to become a server, gateway device
Make it into a Time Capsule server
Add 1T and 2T models
Add Apps... karaoke, Games, DVR, Visual voice mail, video mail

It is going no where now... and position it so it does not canabilize any rev stream... apps, DVR, and TC would all add incremental revenue

Where are we headed?

Ferreri's ditch radio for iPods

AppleTV needs apps!   Imagine your mail on TV, bill pay, control lights, visual voicemail and call logs

When am I going to get cheap power at night and a way to use it.... recharge my battery (in my Hybrid), run the dish washer, dryer turns on, hot water tank comes on... all because its windy and my gateway connect to see what the power cost forecast (commonly called the weather forecast) and communicated to the key appliances.  My Apple Express or AppleTV or Tivo should be the gateway. All I need is a series of devices that connect... a remote on/off switch for the charger, a thermostat controller for the water heater, a way to switch the dishwasher, a water sprinkler controller, a connector for the security system. All would be connected either over 802.11 or 900/1800 MHz