Thursday, February 21, 2008

Investment Ideas

Oil dependence is a huge issue. At the same time energy use will contine to rise for use with data centers. Solar and wind can help hugely. Plus rails if they can improve their point to point delivery. Big issue of course is oil for transport. Boone Pickens believes oil will fall to $85 in Q2 before raising. Is there a way to short via a fund?? Data Centers are huge power users, and growing. Servers use power and turn it into heat that has to be removed. And the mega trends are to make more processing in data centers and less at the end points.. particularly mobile endpoints.... with SaaS, collaboration, content access with consistent experience. etc.

I still don't understand why there is not a car that is built for efficiency. A car needs something like 75 HP to go 70MPH, so make a car with a 100HP motor, and provide acceleration with a battery. It should be intelligent, knowing in advance based on GPS where you are going and knowing when to start the engine, based on where you are headed and its battery level.